Research Destination
Turkey 2012 Workshops are
Organised in the USA
TÜBİTAK invited Turkish and foreign researchers carrying
out research in the United States to come to Turkey to derive
benefit from national and international research funding
The Research Destination Turkey 2012: European and
National Funding Opportunities for Brain Circulation,
R&D Cooperation, and Research Career workshop series
organised with the slogan “Destination Turkey” aims
at creating awareness of the funding mechanisms for
Destination Turkey Workshops have thus far been
organised in Boston, Ann Arbor, New York, Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Maryland/Washington D.C., and Chicago.
Participants were informed about the recent developments
in Turkish research areas, attractive opportunities offered
by TÜBİTAK and EU reintegration funds, and how to convey
the research experience obtained abroad to Turkey.
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