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Needs Analysis Process

The Customer Institution prepares its R&D qualified needs in accordance with the format determined by TÜBİTAK and sends it to TÜBİTAK. The subjects to be called for projects are determined among the mentioned R&D qualified needs.

Focus Group process

Focus Group work is carried out with the participation of customer institution representatives, subject matter experts and TÜBİTAK experts in order to prepare the call document regarding the identified need areas.

Call Process

Announcement and call document regarding the calls are published on the TÜBİTAK website. In cases where the publication of the project call is inconvenient in terms of security, the call announcement is not made on the official website of TÜBİTAK, and a call invitation is sent to the relevant organization(s).

Application Process

Project applications are received in two stages. However, when deemed necessary, directly II. Phase project proposals may be requested.

For KAMAG, applications are submitted electronically. Only pages that require signature are requested in print.

For SAVTAG, the Project Proposal Forms prepared by Program Manager Organization (PYÖK)/ Project Executive Organization (PYK) in the format determined in line with the Call Document and in accordance with the 1007 Program purpose are hand-delivered.

Evaluation process

Project proposals; It is evaluated by the relevant Group within the framework of the project evaluation criteria determined by TÜBİTAK.

In the project evaluation process, on-site inspections can be carried out at these institutions and organizations in order to evaluate the R&D capabilities of private institutions and public R&D units/centers (including centers at universities).

First Stage Evaluation is done by the Commission composed of subject experts. Commission evaluation of phase I project proposals; (1) Compliance with the call, (2) R&D Quality, (3) Feasibility.

The Second Stage Evaluation is done by the Panel of subject matter experts. II. technical panel evaluation of phase project proposals; It is based on four criteria: (1) R&D Quality, (2) Method, (3) Feasibility, and (4) Budgetary Appropriateness. In addition, a detailed budget evaluation is made in line with the budgetary justifications presented in the project proposal.

Monitoring Process

Scientific, technical, administrative and financial monitoring and supervision activities of the projects are carried out by customer institution representatives, subject experts determined by TÜBİTAK and TÜBİTAK experts, when necessary, in line with the Progress Reports determined according to the project intermediate outputs, work packages and project stages. In addition, monthly progress reports and monitoring are made for KAMAG projects, the details of the monitoring issues in SAVTAG projects are specified in the call documents.