Technology Transfer Offices
Grant Programme
The Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) Grant Programme aims to
strengthen existing Technology Transfer Offices at universities and
to encourage universities that still do not have Technology Transfer
Offices to establish them. The upper limit for the support that TTOs
can receive as advance payment was set at 1 million TL per year for
10 years.
With the 1513 Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) Grant
Programme, the following are achieved:
• Introduction of competitive new products with university–industry
• Introduction and patenting of university-oriented inventions,
• Formation of project offices to help universities better benefit
from national and international grant funds,
• Encouragement of entrepreneurship,
• Ability of universities, companies were universities are
shareholders, technopark managing companies, and companies in
which a technopark managing company is a shareholder to apply
to the programme,
• Ability of TTOs to receive grant support for 10 years within the
scope of the programme. Support rates will be 80% for the first
five years and 60% for the second five years,
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