TÜBİTAK Bülten / Sayı 154 - Ekim 2014 - page 17

My experience with two FP7 projects
and an ERC proposal
Associate Professor E. Attila AYTEKİN,
Middle East Technical University
in Physics
Cosmic rays - messengers from the Sun,
the Milky Way and beyond
Associate Professor Bilge DEMİRKÖZ, Middle East Technical
in Molecular Biology and Genetics
Research in Molecular Medicine:
Basic Science and Beyond
Associate Professor Devrim GÖZÜAÇIK, Sabancı University
in Social Sciences
Getting the Quantity and
Price of Parking Right in the City
Associate Professor Eren İNCİ, Sabancı University
In Tissue Engineering
Three-dimensional Tissue/Organ Bioprinting
Associate Professor Bahattin KOÇ, Sabancı University
Ulusal İrtibat Noktası, Avrupa Araştırma Konseyi
(ERC-European Research Council)
T: 0.312.4685300 / 2468
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